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Auto Seeds are specialist breeders of the finest quality autoflowering seeds. For over 4 years we have dedicated our research to developing the best in feminized auto flowering seed genetics. We have combined classic and legendary cup winning strains to create a stabilised and all feminized autoflowering seeds collection with a wide range of traits and tastes. The increased yields and strength from our premium genetics, make our next generation autoflowering seeds superb quality.
Auto Seeds are specialist breeders of the finest quality autoflowering seeds. For over 4 years we have dedicated our research to developing the best in feminized auto flowering seed genetics. We have combined classic and legendary cup winning strains to create a stabilised and all feminized autoflowering seeds collection with a wide range of traits and tastes. The increased yields and strength from our premium genetics, make our next generation autoflowering seeds superb quality.
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